Cloudflare Resolver Bash script

CloudFlare is a content delivery network and distributed domain name server service marketed as improving website performance and speed and providing security. Before one year i posted different methods to find out real I.P. behind cloudflare.

All those methods are only working , if there is admin misconfiguration.

(1)DNS bruteforce


(3)Netcraft toolbar

I made simple bash script which do all things for you, you just have to provide name of website which is behind cloudflare.

git clone

cd cloudflare-ip

chmod +x


In script you have to change I.P. in line 45 . i used dns variable , because for unknown DNS my isp redirect to  its address ,so we can know that response is valid or not.Change that I.P. according to your setting.



2 thoughts on “Cloudflare Resolver Bash script

  1. Pingback: Truy tìm IP thật của server đằng sau CloudFlare hay các dịch vụ CDN | Now you see me
  2. Pingback: Truy tìm IP thật của server đằng sau CloudFlare hay các dịch vụ CDN

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