Truecaller Name Retriever python script

Truecaller is a global phone directory application for smartphones and feature phones, and accessible via a Web site. If you have any unknown mobile number you can search in truecaller website or using truecaller application.This python script is written by A’mmer Almadani. Script is still in developing phase.More functions will be added soon.

git clone

cd callerpy

Now open file & enter your twitter credential in line 39,40. it will use for authentication.

python -h

usage: [-h] -n number [-c country] [-cc country code] -l login

TrueCaller Name Retriever

optional arguments:
-h, –help            show this help message and exit
-n number, –number number
Phone Number Without Country Code (default: None)
-c country, –country country
Country | String (default: None)
-cc country code, –countrycode country code
Country | Int (default: None)
-l login, –login login
Login Method | twitter, g+, fb (default: twitter)

python -n 9016986989 -c india-other -l twitter

Truecaller Name Retriever

Truecaller Name Retriever Python Script

2 thoughts on “Truecaller Name Retriever python script

  1. Hi,

    As per the document, I should enter twitter credential in line 38,39. But line 38,39 have some other codes. Could you please update, where should i hard code twitter id and password?

    Thanks in advance.

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